Pictures & Videos from our Royal Palm Chapter # 6016 Flash Mob Formation Team's Six Performances for National Ballroom Dance Week 2019!

Pictures Videos Members of our Flash Mob Team & Showcase Dancers

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Royal Palm Chapter 2019 Flash Mob Team & Showcase Dancers at Festival Marketplace Mall – September 21, 2019


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Royal Palm Chapter 2019 Flash […]

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Don't Miss Our November Chapter Social Dances! - Tuesday, November 12 at Goldcoast Ballroom, Coconut Creek, FL; Thursday, November 21 at The Delray Ballroom, Delray Beach, FL; & Saturday, November 23 at Star Ballroom, Pompano Beach, FL

Don’t Miss our Royal Palm Chapter #6016 November Social Dances! – Members’ Discount at Each Dance:

Tuesday, November 12 at Goldcoast Ballroom (Google Map)

Thursday, […]

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USA Dance Announces New Gender Neutral Policy for all USA Dance Competitions

USA Dance Announces New Gender Neutral Policy for all USA Dance Competitions

The following e-mail announcement was sent from USA Dance’s Central Office to all members on Friday, October 11, 2019:


“USA Dance Gender Neutral Announcement

From the USA Dance DanceSport Council

Monday, September 16, 2019

USA Dance plans to make a long overdue change […]

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October, 2019 News & Announcements from USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter #6016 President, Officers & Board of Directors

Click for PDF document with clickable links: More Information:

See Flyers with more information on our Three Monthly Social Dances in October, 2019

See Pictures of our Flash Mob Formation Team Performances at 3 Malls and a Ballroom in September, 2019

See Flyer with Information on our 17th Annual Competition – The Royal Palm DanceSport Championships NQE […]

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Don't Miss Our October Chapter Social Dances! - Tuesday, October 8 at Goldcoast Ballroom, Coconut Creek, FL; Thursday, October 17 at The Delray Ballroom, Delray Beach, FL; & Saturday, October 26 at Star Ballroom, Pompano Beach, FL

Don’t Miss our Royal Palm Chapter #6016 October Social Dances! Members’ Discount at Each Dance:

Tuesday, October 8 at Goldcoast Ballroom (Google Map)

Thursday, October […]

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Count Down to Next Competition
