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Instructions on How to Register in O2cm

For the Royal Palm Dancesport Championships NQE & WDSF Open

• If you have used O2cm before and already have an O2cm Account and have the now required O2cm RIN Numbers for each dancer in your Account, simply Log In at our O2cm Login Page, and register for the Competition and pay your Competitor Package Fees & any Entry Fees there by PayPal or Credit Card, as usual.

If you have an O2cm Account but have not yet obtained the now required O2cm RIN Numbers for each dancer in your Account, see below.

Pro/Am Teachers: Go to, and follow the instructions found there (at the link for Click Here for a walkthrough of the Process) to set up a Studio Account (with the now required O2cm RIN Number), in which you can then add all of your students in the same account.

If you have not used O2cm before (or have not yet obtained the now required O2cm RIN Number for each dancer in your Account),
here are the steps to follow:

I. Create an O2cm Registration Account (and obtain an O2cm RIN Number for each dancer to be associated with your Registration Account)

Pro/Am Teachers: Go to, and follow the instructions found there (at the link for Click Here for a walkthrough of the Process) to set up a Studio Account (with the now required O2cm RIN Number), in which you can then add all of your students in the same account.

Amateurs:   To create an O2cm Registration Account, go to our O2cm Login Page (pictured below), and follow O2cm’s instructions there to set up a NEW ACCOUNT for Registration (“REGISTRATION ACCOUNT”), if you don’t already have one.

O2cm Sign-In Page

Then follow the instructions found below the login screen pictured above to obtain the now required O2cm Registrant Identification Number (RIN) for each dancer to be included in your Account, and associate both RIN numbers with your REGISTRATION ACCOUNT, if you have not already done so.

  • Important Tip:   In obtaining RIN Numbers for each dancer in your couple, it is necessary to associate both partners with your REGISTRATION ACCOUNT, so that you can later both register with the same Account.

    How to Obtain your individual RIN Numbers & Associate them with your Registration Account:

    If you and your partner have the same last name: Just obtain the RIN for yourself at (via the RIN Account Registration screen found there, pictured further below). In registering for your RIN, be sure to fill in the email address for your REGISTRATION ACCOUNT in the blank labeled “Associated Account.”

    Then log in to your RIN Account at, and you should see your name and RIN toward the top. You can now easily add your Partner under the “Add/Remove” Tab and thereby obtain a RIN Number for your partner, if you and your partner have the same last name.

    IMPORTANT: Then click on the “Select” button opposite one of your names to highlight your name, and under the “Competitor Info” tab, complete all of the Competitor Information for that partner (making sure that the email address for your REGISTRATION ACCOUNT appears in the Email blank there). Then click the “Memberships” Tab to input that partner’s USA Dance, WDSF or other Association Membership number(s) and click “Validate” opposite each membership. Repeat this process to complete the Competitor Information and enter and Validate the membership numbers for the other partner. Unless you complete this step and enter and Validate the Membership Numbers for each of you, your couple may not be able to register for events that require membership in a particular association, and you may not qualify for Nationals.

    If you and your partner have different last names: Each of you needs to set up our own RIN Account separately at (via the RIN Account Registration Screen pictured below), each giving your own separate (and different) e-mail address in the “Email – (Username)” blank.

    IMPORTANT: When you set up your separate RIN Accounts there, each of you should fill in your own separate (and different) email address in the blank labeled “Email – (Username)” and fill in the email address of your REGISTRATION ACCOUNT in the blank labeled, “Associated Account.” This will make both names and RIN Numbers show up in that one REGISTRATION ACCOUNT for purposes of registration. (You will use that REGISTRATION ACCOUNT to log in (when you click the big blue box above) to register for the Competition.)

    IMPORTANT: After obtaining your RIN Numbers, each of you should log in to your individual RIN Account at, and, under the “Competitor Info” tab, complete all the Competitor Information (making sure that the email address for your REGISTRATION ACCOUNT appears in the Email blank there). Then click the “Memberships” Tab to input your USA Dance, WDSF or other Association Membership number(s) and click “Validate” opposite each membership. Unless each of you completes this step in your individual RIN Account and enters and Validates your membership numbers, your couple may not be able to register for events that require membership in a particular association, and you may not qualify for Nationals.

    O2cm Competitor RIN Account Registration Page - at

Again, be sure to enter each dancer’s USA Dance and/or WDSF Membership Number(s) in your individual RIN Account (per instructions above) at: (Click the small Login Link (upper right corner), login, Select the dancer, click the Membership Tab and enter that dancer’s Membership info (if it does not already appear there), and click Validate.) Unless you and your partner both complete this step, you may not be able to register as a couple for events that require membership in a particular association, and you may not qualify for Nationals.

II. Log in & Follow the Steps to Complete Account Information, Register & Pay

After completing Step I above, Login at the O2cm Login Page for our Competition, using the e-mail address and password for the O2cm Account you set up (per the instructions above) that has both partners associated with it, and register for our Competition per the instructions below.

Note: If you already have an O2cm Account and have not yet obtained the now required O2cm Registrant Identification Number (RIN) for each dancer in your account, be sure to follow the instructions above to do so before you try to register.   And, be sure to enter each dancer’s USA Dance and/or WDSF Membership Number(s) in your RIN Account at: (Click the small Login Link (upper right corner) there, login, Select the dancer, click the Membership Tab and enter that dancer’s Membership info (if it does not already appear there), and click Validate. Repeat for all other dancers in your account.)

Then, follow the Step by Step Instructions on How to Register with O2cm – found below .

After reading the following information, if you have any questions, please e-mail us at:

Step by Step Instructions on How to Register with O2cm – For New Users (and Others with Questions):

Steps 1 & 2: – Complete Your Account Info & Add/ Select Yourselves as dancers in your Account:

  • Step 1:   Complete all your Account Information, enter a new password you will remember in both the “Update Password” and “Verify Password” blanks, and click “Save Account Information” (gray button left bottom of Step 1). (See Note on O2cm Accounts below).
  • O2cm Registration - Step 1 for Goosmans

    Note on O2cm Accounts:
    For Amateur or Same Gender Couples, you will want to set up one account for both partners in your couple. The Account can be under one of your names or under both of your names (as shown above for the Goosmans). You will then add both of you as dancers in the Account in the next step below. This will let you register for the Competition as a couple, and pay your Competitor Fees in this one Account.

    For Teachers or Pros who will dance with several Students and wish to pay for all of their Competitor Packages and Entry Fees in one Account, and then be reimbursed by the students, you can set up one O2cm Account under your name as Teacher, and then add all of your Students as dancers in your account. O2cm lets you add as many dancers as you would like in any O2cm Account. To do so, go to, and follow the instructions found there (at the link for Click Here for a walkthrough of the Process) to set up a Studio Account (with the now required O2cm RIN Number), in which you can then add all of your students in the same account.

  • Step 2:   If you have followed the instructions in Step I above to associate both dancers with the same account, both dancers in your couple should show up in the drop down menus pictured below. If not, you may need to Add one of you as the Lead or Follower in your Account. Click “New” to add a dancer:
    O2cm Step 2

    Then, add the dancer, and and click “Save” to return to the Registration Form above:

  • When you have added the dancers in your Account (or if you have used O2cm before and have previously entered yourselves as dancers in your O2cm Account), then use the drop down menus in Step 2 to select the Gentleman (Lead) and Lady (Follower) for your couple:
    O2cm Registration - Step 2 - Goosmans
  • Note to Teachers: You will repeat Steps 2 through 5 for each couple you wish to register (yourself with each of your Students, separately). The total Entry Fees due for all couples you register in your Account will appear below for payment in Step 6.

Steps 3 & 4: – Select & Add your Entries in the Royal Palm DanceSport Championships:

  • Step 3:   Select your Entries: Make a selection in each available drop down menu – left to right (for Division, Age, and Skill Level). Be sure to scroll down in all drop down menus and windows, so you don`t miss any options! The Entries you select will appear in the Event Selection box at left.
  • In the left “Event Selection Box” (Step 3), Click to highlight Events you want to enter (if your available events fill the Event Selection Box, scroll down in the Event Selection Box to find all options – so you don`t miss any!), and click “Add Couple to Events” (gray button to the right of the drop-down menus in Step 3). The Events you have entered will appear in the “Entries for Couple” window in Step 4:
  • O2cm Registration - Steps 3 & 4 - John & Jill Goosman

  • Repeat the above process in Step 3 to select and Add additional Entries in other Divisions, Age Levels, or Skill Levels. Be sure to Select “All Ages” in the center drop down menu to find Challenges and other Events in your selected Division open to all Age Levels.

    For information on the number of Age Categories and Skill Levels you may enter in each Style of Dance, see Information for Competitors, and click on the Registration Info link found there that is applicable to your couple.

  • Step 4:   In Step 4, you can review, and highlight and delete Entries, if you wish. The Delete button is to the left, under “Step 4.”

Steps 5 & 6: – Add the Applicable Competitor Package for each Competitor & Pay your Competitor Package Fees & any applicable Entry Fees:

  • Step 5:   In Step 5, you must Select and Add a Competitor Package for each competitor. For each dancer in your couple, select the applicable Competitor Package, in the left drop down menu. Then, make a selection in every available drop down menu – left to right. (If only one option appears in any drop-down menu, select that option.)
  • O2cm Registration - Step 5 for Goosmans

  • In the far right drop-down menu, first select the Gent (or Leader) in your couple, and click “Add” (gray button under far right drop-down menu). Then repeat, and click “Add” for the Lady (or Follower). You must Add the applicable Competitor Package for each partner in your couple.

    Teachers with multiple students: Add your own Competitor Package one time; then add the applicable Competitor Packages for each of your Students.

    The Competitor Packages you have added for each of the Competitors will appear in the window marked “Reserved Tickets:” in Step 5.

  • Step 6:   In Step 6, you can review the total you owe for your Competitor Package Tickets and any Entry Fees (Entry Fees will automatically be added and appear in Step 6 for any Teacher/Student Events that have per-dance Entry Fees).
    O2cm - Step 6 - for Goosmans
  • Click the blue “All Heat Sheets” button to see and print (or take a screen shot of) your Heat Sheet for the Events you have entered. Click the green “Full Accounting Report” button to see and print (or take a screen shot of) your Accounting Report of the amounts you owe for the Events you have entered and the required Competitor Package Tickets you have added.
    Note: For best results, use Chrome as your browser to access and print the blue “All Heat Sheets” and green “Full Accounting Report” information. With Chrome, you can simply right click on the information that pops up to print it out. If you are using another browser, you may need to take a screen shot of the information in order to print it out. Just FYI – O2cm was built for the Chrome Browser, and some functions of the software work best with Chrome.
  • Click the yellow “Pay Now” button to pay for your Competitor Package Tickets and any per-couple-per-event Entry Fees appearing above. Clicking “Pay Now” will take you to our PayPal screen (pictured below), where you can pay by PayPal or Credit Card or Debit Card.

    To pay by Credit Card or Debit Card, skip the Password blank and the “Log In” button, and click on the Gray Bar at the bottom of the PayPal screen, saying “Pay with Debit or Credit Card.”
    PayPal Screen - Goosmans e-mail automatically filled in - To pay by Credit Card or Debit card, Click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" (gray box)
    Clicking on “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” (gray bar at bottom of PayPal Screen above), will take you to a “Guest Checkout Screen,” where you will fill in your Credit or Debit Card information, Billing Address, and Contact Information, and click “Pay Now.”

    You should receive an e-mail from PayPal, confirming your payment.

Your Registration is not Complete until we receive both your Registration Form & Payment in Full. Rate increases per our applicable Fees & Registration Deadlines Chart will apply for everyone who has not paid by Midnight on the date when the rate increase goes into effect.

If this is your first time using O2cm, don’t worry, it will be easy next time! And, wait until you see the great benefits of the O2cm Onsight Technology at the Competition! We know you will be impressed!

Smiley Face with Thumbs Up!

Thank you for registering for the Royal Palm DanceSport Championships NQE & WDSF Open!

We look forward to seeing you at the Competition!!

If you have any questions, please e-mail us at:

Here is an example of what a completed Registration Form looks like on O2cm, just to acquaint you with the look and feel of the O2cm Registration Form. The following is a screen shot of a sample O2cm Registration form, for a fictional couple called John & Jill Goosman, who have followed all the steps above to register early for certain events at the Royal Palm DanceSport Championships, and are ready to click “Pay Now” to pay the indicated Amount due by PayPal or Credit Card.

O2cm Registration Page - Sample (John & Jill Goosman)

Note: John & Jill Goosman are a fictional couple, and the form above is for illustration purposes only. (We do not actually have a “Showcase” event for individual couples at our Competition, and the amounts shown above are fictitious.)

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