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Royal Palm Chapter Election! - Chapter Members, Volunteer here to serve on the USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter Board of Directors

Click to view and print the below flyer as PDF Document:
Royal Palm Chapter Election - Flyer for Candidate Application Form

Adult Royal Palm Chapter Members:

Volunteer to serve on the Royal Palm Chapter Board of Directors, by filling out and submitting the Online Candidate Application Form below.
We must receive it by October 15, 2022.

Or, if you prefer, you may download a paper Candidate Application Form, and email it to us at, so that we receive it by October 15, 2022:

Click Here to Download a Paper Candidate Application Form.

Online Candidate Application Form
Due by October 15, 2022:

You must be a current adult Royal Palm Chapter Member to submit a Candidate Application Form.

All fields marked with * are required and must be completed, or the form will not submit.

Your Name *

Street Address *

City, State, Zip *

Telephones *
- Home Phone*
- Cell Phone*
Note: If same, fill in the same number in both blanks.

Your USA Dance Membership Number: *

Your Email Address: *

Expectations: USA Dance Board Member positions are volunteer positions. They require a willingness to actively participate in Board functions during this period, including Board meetings (usually four meetings per year, held primarily by Zoom or other electronic means). Service in one or more volunteer areas is also customary. Are you willing and available to honor these expectations? *
 Yes No

Interests: Tell us in which areas you would be interested in volunteering:
 Administration or finance (help with taking minutes; bookkeeping) Monthly Dances (help organize, at check-in desk, serve as DJ, dance host, or other) Special Events (dance competition; Flash Mob; other) Photographer or Videographer of Chapter Events Social Media or Website for Chapter Newsletter (contributions or assistance) Fundraising Membership Committee Other (specify):

Special Skills or Qualifications:* Summarize special skills, experience and qualifications - from USA Dance involvement, or employment, prior volunteer work, or other activities - that would contribute to being a good Board member. Tell us about your interest in, and experience with, dance. Attach additional pages if needed.

Attach additional pages, if needed (optional):

Why do you want to be a Board Member?* Please describe why you would like to be a USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter Board member and what you hope to accomplish. Attach additional pages if needed.

Attach additional pages, if needed (optional):

Agreement and Signature (required):*
- By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts and representations set forth in it are true and complete, and if I am elected as a volunteer Board member, I agree to serve.

Type your full name as your Signature (required):*

Date Submitted (required):*

Attach your photo (recent head shot):

To Submit Your Candidate Application Form:

Step 1:   Go Back & Make Sure You Completed Every Blank and Checkbox marked* Those are required fields, and your Form will not Submit if you fail to complete any required field.

Step 2:   Click the red "SEND" button below. You should then see a message outlined in green on your screen below, saying, "Your Board Candidate Application Form was submitted successfully."

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter #6016!



Count Down to Next Competition


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