Video - 2011 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition - Quickstep


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Photos - 2010 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition

Click to See Photos from our 2010 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition (found on our USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter website).


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Ballroom Dancing Fights Age-Related Memory Loss

This article is reprinted here by permission of USA Dance, Inc.


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Experts Advocate Dancing for Health

This Article is reprinted here by permission of Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare®.com

A Health Tip published by MedlinePlus, a service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health advocates that seniors “make exercise a social activity.” “Participate in a group dance class or a group fitness class,” the Health Tip recommends, among several other suggested forms of […]

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Count Down to Next Competition
