Volunteer - Join Our 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team

Circle of Friends (image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)We are Very Excited that our Royal Palm DanceSport Championships NQE & WDSF Open, organized for 18 years by USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter, has Merged & Combined Forces with The American DanceSport Festival (ADSF), organized by Lisa Spencer, Organizer, with Ronen Zinshtein, Executive Director, one of the Largest USA Dance NQEs and WDSF Open-to-the-World Competitions in the United States!!

Our Second Exciting Combined Competition will be the
American DanceSport Festival (ADSF)
October 8-9, 2022
at the Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort
Right on the Beach!
Fort Lauderdale, Florida!

A USA Dance National Qualifying Event (NQE), including WDSF Events with Top Dancers from Throughout the World!

This is likely to be one of the most Exciting USA Dance Competitions in the United States!!
The ADSF attracts hundreds of the very Top Excellent dancers from all around the World,
and spectators from Florida, around the U.S., Canada, and the World.

You Won’t want to Miss this SPECTACULAR EVENT!!

Volunteer, and Become a Part of our Organizing Family at this Very Exciting Event!!   We are grateful to our many dedicated volunteers who form our annual Volunteer Organizing Team and help make our Competition happen each year. They do a remarkable job, as illustrated by the many Comments of praise we receive from participants in the Competition each year. In addition, our volunteers become a wonderful “Circle of Friends.”


Our 2021 Volunteers at the
October 8-10, 2021 American DanceSport Championships
NQE, USA Dance Nationals & WDSF World Games Qualifier:

Following are the members who were part of our 2021 Team of Volunteers ,
at the October 8-10, 2021 American DanceSport Championships
NQE, USA Dance Nationals & WDSF World Games Qualifier:

Patti MacDonald
Les MacDonald
Syrus Partian
Esperanza Blair
Millie Ledoux
Miara Mooi Wilten
Debbie Yokel
Jody Dancer
David Vilner
Lorilee Pearl
Michael (Terry) Sparks


Volunteer Now to Join the 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team

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To Volunteer:

If you want to be part of the camaraderie of this great Team of volunteers and volunteer to join our 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team, e-mail us at Info@royalpalmdancesport.org.

Or simply fill out the Form below, and click “Send” at the bottom:

Offer to Volunteer/ Application to Join 2022 Team of Volunteers

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Telephone number (required)

Subject: Volunteering to Help with the 2022 American DanceSport Festival
October 8-8, 2022 at the Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort - on the Ocean! - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Your Message: What tasks would you like to help with? When can you be available to help? What questions do you have?

Click "Send" to Submit

Thank you for your Offer to join the 2022 Team of Volunteers for the Second Annual Combined American DanceSport Festival (ADSF) & Royal Palm DanceSport Championships Competition!
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Why Volunteer to Help, and Become a Member of
our 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team?

  In addition to the reward of being a part of the Team producing such a beautiful and well received event,

  Benefits You Receive:

In recognition and gratitude for our wonderful Volunteers, the American DanceSport Festival (ADSF) will provide to each of the Volunteers who are members of our 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team and help at the Competition:

  • Free Admission to the 2022 Competition (wearing a “Volunteer/ Staff” Badge) on the day(s) or evening(s) on which you volunteer.
  • Your Meals during the time you volunteer.
  • Your Hotel, if deemed necessary for your service.
  • Recognition with gratitude at the Competition, and listing as a Member of the 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team in the Competition Materials, on this website, and in our Chapter Newsletter.
  • Fun Being Part of a Great Circle of Friends. Our volunteers have a great time socializing, watching and being inspired by the amazing dancing we see each year, or performing and competing themselves.

    Volunteer to help with the Competition and become a member of our 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team!
    It is great fun to be part of this amazing Team of friends!!

The Services You Donate are Tax-Deductible at “Fair Market Value” In addition, services and items donated to USA Dance, Inc. are tax deductible at their fair market value, as USA Dance, Inc. is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Tax Code. If you volunteer, you can request a Donation Receipt for your hours of service, for your tax records. (The Internal Revenue Code places the responsibility for estimating the value of services or items donated upon the donor rather than the organization receiving the gift. The IRS advises that “fair market value” is interpreted as the price which a buyer is willing to pay and the seller is willing to accept, when the two are independent and dealing at arm’s length.)

Volunteer Now

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What Can you Do to Help, as a Member of our 2022 Volunteer Organizing Team?

Among the tasks with which we need volunteer help for the Competition are the following:

  • Registration Desk — Works with Registrar to ensure all couples are properly registered for competition event.
  • Ticket Sales — Sells any tickets remaining on competition weekend and helps with selling or distributing programs etc.
  • Door Attendant — Checks audience tickets at entrance to ballroom.
  • Ushers –Assists guests in finding their assigned seats.
  • Hospitality — Helps with membership issues and answering questions about USA Dance, and welcoming and assisting competitors and guests at the Competition.
  • Support for Judges — Keeps the Judges’ tables & area clean and makes sure that the snacks are out and replenished.
  • Floater — Someone who wants to do a little of everything.
  • Logistics & Setup/Take-Down — (always need people in this area) Looking for super volunteers who can take initiative but are team players, willing to work, do what needs to be done, and have fun! If you help set up before the Competition or take down (at end of the Competition) you will receive, not just one, but two free admission tickets to our next USA Dance monthly dances following the Competition.

Volunteer Now

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Count Down to Next Competition
