USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter # 6016

Dance Information & Resources

Provided by USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter #6016

Useful Links & Dance Information



For more information about USA Dance, Royal Palm Chapter #6016,
see our Chapter Website:

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Featured Articles on Dancing & the Health Benefits of Dance

Here we post useful and interesting information about ballroom dancing, including information on Dancing for Good Health & Longevity, as well as other topics. If you wish to write and contribute an original article for potential publication on this website, please e-mail

Dancing is The Healthiest of Exercises. That has been scientifically and medically proved. Expert studies have confirmed that dancing promotes good health and longevity, staves off Alzheimers and so many other deseases, and actually slows the aging of your bones, muscles, and brain.

Several articles on this subject, provided courtesy of the National Office of USA Dance, Inc., are included below, along with other articles on dance topics that we think you may find interesting.

Ballroom Dance–It’s Good For You

Calories Per Hour of Continuous Dancing:

This article is reprinted here by permission of the author and USA Dance, Inc.


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Why Dance? Health Benefits of Ballroom Dancing (Brochure)

Dancing is a wonderful way to add years to your life and life to your years!

Click to enlarge:

Click to enlarge:

Download as a PDF Document: Why Dance? Health Benefits of Ballroom Dancing – Trifold Brochure from USA Dance


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The Benefits of Dancing

Great chart listing the many Physical, Intellectual, Artistic, Social, and Individual benefits of Dancing:

Ballroom Dancing Fights Age-Related Memory Loss

This article is reprinted here by permission of USA Dance, Inc.


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Experts Advocate Dancing for Health

This Article is reprinted here by permission of Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare®.com

A Health Tip published by MedlinePlus, a service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health advocates that seniors “make exercise a social activity.” “Participate in a group dance class or a group fitness class,” the Health Tip recommends, among several other suggested forms of […]

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