Competition Dress Code

2014 Competition

Dress Code for Competitors

The official USA Dance Dress Regulations found in Appendix A of the Official USA Dance Inc. DanceSport Rulebook, apply for all competitors in the Royal Palm DanceSport Championships Competition.

The Official USA Dance Inc. DanceSport Rulebook is found on the USA Dance national website. Copies of certain charts from the Rulebook, summarizing the dress regulations for certain ages, levels, and styles of dance, are found further below, for information only.

All competitors are responsible to review and familiarize yourselves with the Official USA Dance Dress Regulations in the Official USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook, and comply with the applicable rules.

Particular Dress Rules for Teacher/Student Events

Appendix A of the USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook provides:


2.9.1 Judged Athlete: The Judged Athlete must follow dress regulation requirements for the age
category and dance style in which they are competing.

2.9.2 Unjudged Athlete: The un-judged partner in Teacher-Student events must follow Youth or lower age syllabus
dress requirements per dance style, when competing with Pre-Teen, Junior, or Youth
partners in syllabus events. In all other events, including all Pro-Am events, they may wear open proficiency level
apparel. If heats are closely spaced (less than 20 minutes apart), so as to not permit costume
changes, the un-judged partner may be permitted to comply with the “open proficiency”
dress code at the discretion and with pre-approval of the on-site Chair of Adjudicators or the
DanceSport Rules Official.”

USA Dance Competition Dress Regulations

Competitors’ costumes must comply with the official USA Dance Dress Regulations found in Appendix A of the Official USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook, for the applicable category, age group, and style of dance in each event. The Official USA Dance Inc. DanceSport Rulebook is found on the USA Dance national website.

The Official USA Dance Dress Regulations include sketches and illustrations of appropriate dress for certain age groups, levels, and styles of dance.

If you have questions regarding dress/ costumes required for competitors under the Official USA Dance Dress Regulations, e-mail

Further Information

If you have further questions regarding dress/ costumes required for competitors under the Official USA Dance Dress Regulations, e-mail

For Spectators

Dress for spectators at all competition sessions is dressy casual.


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