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Photos & Videos from 2022 ADSF - The Second Merged American DanceSport Festival with Royal Palm DanceSport Championships!!

October 8-9, 2022

Double Click on any image below to enlarge:

Nov-Dec, 2022 (01)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (02)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (03)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (04)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (05)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (06)


Click on the image below to view it as a PDF doc with clickable links:
Nov-Dec, 2022 (07)


Click on the image below to view it as a PDF doc with clickable links:
Nov-Dec, 2022 (08)


Double Click on any image below to enlarge:

Nov-Dec, 2022 (09)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (10)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (11)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (19)


Nov-Dec, 2022 (20)

See More Pictures and Videos from the 2022 American DanceSport Festival (ADSF) in our January-February, 2023 Chapter Newsletter »


We Can’t Wait to See you All Again at the Next ADSF!!

We can't wait to see you at the next ADSF!


See Photos from the Exciting 2022 ADSF!!

See More Photos & Videos from the Exciting 2022 ADSF
at ADSF Facebook Page »   and   ADSF Website Gallery »


Count Down to Next Competition


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