Organizer, Patti MacDonald

Pictured: Patti MacDonald, Organizer,
with Jean Guy Trembley
Dear Patti,
Congratulations to you on your Biggest and Best Competition Ever!! With 106 Competitors this year, the Competition was a Huge Success – as it has been under your leadership every year for the past 12 years!! You do a Most Extraordinary job as Organizer of the Annual Royal Palm DanceSport Competition!!
You and your exceptional organization of the event, your Outstanding Panel of World-Class Judges and Officials, Excellent MC, Karen Pritchard, wonderful music by DJ Vinny Munno, the top quality Competitors and many supportive Spectators that you attract every year, your dedicated team of Volunteers, and the great 40 X 60 floating oak dance floor and venue at Goldcoast Ballroom, all combine to make your Annual Royal Palm DanceSport Competition truly one of the best all-amateur dancesport competitions in Florida and in the U.S.!
It was great fun for us to participate again this year!
Thank you, Patti, for your Excellent leadership and the MANY long hours of hard work that you dedicate and donate to make this Competition the Spectacular Event that it is every year!!
Many thanks and warm regards,
Connie and Dave
HI Patti,
Just wanted to thank you for inviting me again to MC your wonderful event. It was really fun this year, watching all the new competitors and the FAU group compete.
Keep up the great work that you and all your helpers/volunteers do, not only on the day but I know the hours and hard work that go into making the event a success.
Please let everyone know it was a fabulous day of dancing and organization.
Healthy and Happiness for 2015,
Karen Pritchard
Hello Patti,
We enjoyed your competition very much, very organized, smooth flowing. Thank you very much for a great day-
See you next Jan 30!!
Al Guzzi and Marcia Miller
Hi Patti,
We had a wonderful time! Thank you so much for all the hard work and time you have put in to make the competition so special. We are all blessed to have you!
with much love & respect,
Joi & Charles White
Thank you for organizing (as always) a wonderful, welcoming comp! It was a pleasure to be there!
Sherry and Al
Dear Patti,
Thank you so much for all your hard work and for organizing such a great event!
It was a joy to be part of it.
Alexei, Olga & Family
Palm Beach Gardens
February 2
Hi Patti, Hi Les,
Congratulations to you both for a well organized Winter Frolic Extravaganza 2015.
We have appreciated the fine work you Patti, as President, along with the Board of directors, Volunteers, Webmasters and maintenance have put together for a very successful day at the Goldcoast Ballroom.
We are happy for having been part of it and we thank you for a well accomplished task. Our very best wishes for continued success at the Royal Palm Chapter.
Merci Beaucoup
Maria & Vincent
Hi Patti,
It’s Diane Montgomery, the President from the Dallas Chapter.
In case you see this, just want you to know that we have a couple from Dallas at your comp, and they are having a great time:
Vicki Wells and Shane Gadberry
We’re seeing lots of photos from the comp. Wish I was there! Hope to see you when I come back in April.
Hope your comp goes great!
Diane Montgomery
… You did an amazing job putting the event together.
You’re very welcome Patti
I do it [volunteer and help at the Competition] with much pleasure.
Yes!!! It was a big and nice event.
I also thank you for the big work you put into all the details of the comp., I bet it’s not that easy.
Have a fabulous day.
As I said last night, congratulations. You did a great job putting the event together. …
Patti…..hope you took a trip to Disney! Or slept till noon….or had a spa day….actually you deserve all three and then some for that fabulous comp!
Congrats to your team! What a challenge to have so many couples! . . . it was great to be there…we had …as I suspected …a more than fabulous time….we’ve got to make yours an NQE! . . .
Love and hugs!
Janis and Daniel
See Comments on Some of Our Other Royal Palm DanceSport Competitions
Comments Received on our 2015 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition
Pictured: Patti MacDonald, Organizer,
with Jean Guy Trembley
Dear Patti,
Congratulations to you on your Biggest and Best Competition Ever!! With 106 Competitors this year, the Competition was a Huge Success – as it has been under your leadership every year for the past 12 years!! You do a Most Extraordinary job as Organizer of the Annual Royal Palm DanceSport Competition!!
You and your exceptional organization of the event, your Outstanding Panel of World-Class Judges and Officials, Excellent MC, Karen Pritchard, wonderful music by DJ Vinny Munno, the top quality Competitors and many supportive Spectators that you attract every year, your dedicated team of Volunteers, and the great 40 X 60 floating oak dance floor and venue at Goldcoast Ballroom, all combine to make your Annual Royal Palm DanceSport Competition truly one of the best all-amateur dancesport competitions in Florida and in the U.S.!
It was great fun for us to participate again this year!
Thank you, Patti, for your Excellent leadership and the MANY long hours of hard work that you dedicate and donate to make this Competition the Spectacular Event that it is every year!!
Many thanks and warm regards,
Connie and Dave
HI Patti,
Just wanted to thank you for inviting me again to MC your wonderful event. It was really fun this year, watching all the new competitors and the FAU group compete.
Keep up the great work that you and all your helpers/volunteers do, not only on the day but I know the hours and hard work that go into making the event a success.
Please let everyone know it was a fabulous day of dancing and organization.
Healthy and Happiness for 2015,
Karen Pritchard
Hello Patti,
We enjoyed your competition very much, very organized, smooth flowing. Thank you very much for a great day-
See you next Jan 30!!
Al Guzzi and Marcia Miller
Hi Patti,
We had a wonderful time! Thank you so much for all the hard work and time you have put in to make the competition so special. We are all blessed to have you!
with much love & respect,
Joi & Charles White
Thank you for organizing (as always) a wonderful, welcoming comp! It was a pleasure to be there!
Sherry and Al
Dear Patti,
Thank you so much for all your hard work and for organizing such a great event!
It was a joy to be part of it.
Alexei, Olga & Family
Palm Beach Gardens
February 2
Hi Patti, Hi Les,
Congratulations to you both for a well organized Winter Frolic Extravaganza 2015.
We have appreciated the fine work you Patti, as President, along with the Board of directors, Volunteers, Webmasters and maintenance have put together for a very successful day at the Goldcoast Ballroom.
We are happy for having been part of it and we thank you for a well accomplished task. Our very best wishes for continued success at the Royal Palm Chapter.
Merci Beaucoup
Maria & Vincent
Hi Patti,
It’s Diane Montgomery, the President from the Dallas Chapter.
In case you see this, just want you to know that we have a couple from Dallas at your comp, and they are having a great time:
Vicki Wells and Shane Gadberry
We’re seeing lots of photos from the comp. Wish I was there! Hope to see you when I come back in April.
Hope your comp goes great!
Diane Montgomery
… You did an amazing job putting the event together.
You’re very welcome Patti
I do it [volunteer and help at the Competition] with much pleasure.
Yes!!! It was a big and nice event.
I also thank you for the big work you put into all the details of the comp., I bet it’s not that easy.
Have a fabulous day.
As I said last night, congratulations. You did a great job putting the event together. …
Patti…..hope you took a trip to Disney! Or slept till noon….or had a spa day….actually you deserve all three and then some for that fabulous comp!
Congrats to your team! What a challenge to have so many couples! . . . it was great to be there…we had …as I suspected …a more than fabulous time….we’ve got to make yours an NQE! . . .
Love and hugs!
Janis and Daniel
See Comments on Some of Our Other Royal Palm DanceSport Competitions