Entry List - By Competitors - 2015 Competition

January 31, 2015 Competition

Following is our Entry List by Competitor Names for our January 31, 2015 Competition, as of January 26, 2015 (Midnight).
This list will not be updated after Midnight, January 26, 2015, when registration closed (to get in the Program).
The Final Heat Lists will be posted under Schedule, Entry List, and Final Heat Lists before the Competition.

Competitors, Alphabetically by Last Name:

This Entry List not Updated After January 26, 2015 (Midnight).
Any entry changes requested after that time will not be reflected here or in the Program.

Click on any Competitor’s Name to see his or her entries.

If you believe your entry list linked above is inconsistent in any way with what you submitted on your registration form, please e-mail the particulars to: Organizer@royalpalmdancesport.org. Thank you.

We look forward to seeing you at the Competition!!



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