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Photos - 2013 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition

Photos taken by taken by Ed and Sharon Cohen

Enjoy these photos from our very successful 2013 Royal Palm Winter Frolic DanceSport Extravaganza. For more information about the 2013 Competition see our Chapter website for the USA Dance Royal Palm Chapter. Scores for the 2013 Competition are listed on this site under “Winners.”

[Click on any thumbnail to enlarge and scroll through the images. Hover on right side middle of the enlarged image to find the Scroll button. To exit the image scroll mode, press the “Esc” button on your computer.]

See More Pages of Pictures at the bottom of this page.

David & Kay Lines and Claude Guay & Ginette Beaulieu - 2013 Bob & Laurel Tempas - 2013


See Photos From Our Other Competitions


Count Down to Next Competition


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